ABOVE THE SKY BELOW THE GROUND: an 'EP length' collection of (five) 'song-like' objects.



Works attempt to constitute an experimental practice of ontological investigation, in which the consolidation of two primary areas of research frequently constitutes its focus; an exploration of experiential actualities of being, and a sceptical questioning regarding the determinability of value. The output is multidisciplinary and incorporates various visual, sonic, spacial, kinetic and conceptual components. The aesthetic intention and disposition of works is intentionally simplistic, amounting from an aim to assimilate the complexities of expanded thought in a distilled and fundamental essence. The construction and composition of experience is often a prominent subject of consideration.

London based artist, b. 1989, Southport (UK). Graduated from the University of Central Lancashire (2012), awarded a first class BA (Hons) Fine Art.